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Activities and Celebrations

The Day to day activities we do for every single development of a child,as regular activities help in the systematic development of a child. Most of the development in childrenlike physical development, Brain Development, and linguistic development can be improved in a child through regular activity.Keeping young preschoolers occupied can be quite a challenge at times. These preschool activities are sure to bring a smile to your child’s face and provide them with the opportunity to learn at the same time. The wide variety of preschool activities includes number scavenger hunts, baking shape cookies, color spy, breakfast math and so much more! With so many different options, we make finding activities for preschoolers a breeze.

The list of activities involved in their daily routine like-

Arrow Sand activity

Arrow Water activity

Arrow Rhyme time

Arrow Story telling

Arrow Scrapbook activity

Arrow Puppet show

Arrow Creative time

Arrow Field trip

Beside these LITTLE WITS organize so many year round celebrations within the school timing.

We encourage our kids to get involved in various celebrations of different caste & culture. We make them understand the importance of living in a society together & adopting the best of each & every culture

Some of our year round celebrations are-

Arrow New year

Arrow MakarSankranti

Arrow AmbedkarJayanti

Arrow World Earth Day

Arrow RabindraJayanti

Arrow World Environment Day

Arrow Pongal

Arrow Durga Puja/ Navaratri

Arrow Diwali

Arrow Saraswati Puja

Arrow Holi

Arrow Rakshabandhan

Arrow RathYatra

Arrow Janmastami

Arrow Independence Day

Arrow Mothers Day

Arrow Father’s Day

Arrow Parents Day

Arrow Grandparents Day

Arrow Friendship Day

Arrow Childrens day

Arrow Christmas Day
